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Explanation of the names of various bill of lading
Time:2008-10-31   View:2341

1) Bill of lading

A receipt given by the carrier to the shipper acknowledging receipt of the goods being shipped and specifying the terms of delivery.

2) Bill of lading house b/l

It refers to the bill of lading issued by the freight forwarder. Bills of lading are often issued when the goods are transported from inland to inland. International Freight Forwarders usually use this kind of bill of lading. Generally, the freight forwarder also uses this kind of bill of lading to meet the customer's countersignature or other requirements that the ship owner cannot meet.

3) Master b/l of owner's bill of lading

It refers to the bill of lading issued by the owner.

4) Shipped or board b/l

It refers to the bill of lading issued by the carrier to the shipper that the goods have been loaded on board.

5) Received for shipping b/l

It refers to the bill of lading issued when the carrier has received the goods but has not yet loaded the ship.

6) Direct b/l

It refers to the bill of lading issued when the goods are shipped from the loading port and directly sail to the unloading port for unloading without changing the ship.

7) Through B / L or transshipment B / L

It refers to the bill of lading issued by the carrier at the port of loading, which can be transshipped to the port of destination.

8) Multimodal transport bill of lading MT b/l

It refers to the bill of lading applicable to the whole process of transportation signed for the combined transportation of goods by sea, inland river, railway, highway, aviation and other two or more modes of transportation.

9) Liner b/l

Liner is a ship that continuously engages in freight transportation between specified ports on a certain route according to the published schedule. Liner can be divided into regular and irregular routing.

10) Charter party b/l

Generally, it refers to the bill of lading signed by the owner to the charterer, or the bill of lading issued by the owner or the charterer, which does not ship all the charterer's goods.

11) Straight bill of lading straight b/l

It refers to the bill of lading that only the consignee named on the bill of lading can take delivery of the goods, which generally does not have negotiability.